
SONG Yehao
Tel: 86-10-62785691
Fax: 86-10-62785691
E-mail: [email protected]


Sustainable Architectural and Urban Studies,

Building Technology,

Combination of Modern Design and  Vernacular Architecture in China


Architecture Bachelor, Tsinghua Univ.,  1988-1993

Architecture Master, Tsinghua Univ.,  1988-1993

PhD, Tsinghua Univ., 1993-1998

Technische Universitaet Muenchen,  Germany, Visiting Scholar,2003-2004, at the institute" Building  Technology“, chaired by Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzog


2008-present, Professor, School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University

2002-2008, Associate Professor, School  of Architecture, Tsinghua University


2016, CIFI zero-energy sustainable  demonstrated building

2015, Sustainable Design of the  THE-STUDIO in Guian District, accomplished

2012, Reconstruction of the complex  for Service Centre of Tsinghua University, will be accomplished in 2014,  accomplished

2012, Office building for Yilida  Corporation in Taizhou, Zhejiang, which reaches to 3star of Evaluation  Standard for Green Building of China (Planed to be constructed)

2012, Demo Building on “Zero  Energy and Zero Carbon” -- Water Bird Exhibition Centre for Beijing Zoo,  accomplished and under testing

2009, Landscape for the Water  Environment Lab of Tsinghua University, accomplished

2009, The Rural Houses for Farmers in  Xifeng, Guizhou, accomplished

2008, Design and research of Rural  Houses for the Inhabitants reconstruction after the “512 Earthquake”,  commissioned research

2008, Middle School-Primary  School-Kindergarten-Clinic for Mianzhu, Sichuan (Post-disaster  Reconstruction Project after the 512 Earthquake), accomplished

2008-2009, Ecological City Planning  for Sino-Singapore Ecological Science Park

2007, Office and Educational Building  for Nuclear Power Station in Yantai, Shandong (Competition winner)

2005-2006, Municipal Centre for  Changshu, Jiangsu (Competition winner)

2004-2007, Office Building for  Institute for Surface Engineering in Deyang, Sichuan, accomplished

2001-2004, Municipal Library in  Changshu, accomplished

2000, Campus Design for No. 1 Middle  School in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province, accomplished

1995-1999, Eco-House for Farmer in  Zhangjiagang, accomplished, with doctoral thesis research on Sustainable  Architectural and Urban Studies, Building Technology, Combination of  Modern Design and Vernacular Architecture in China


2017-2020, ,Integrated design strategy  for prefabricated Nearly Net Zero Building oriented to sustainable  building performance, as an general research supported by National  Science Fund, P. R. China

2012-2015, Research on the strategy of  sustainable design for mass public buildings, as an important research  supported by National Science Fund, P. R. China

2012-2016, Research on the design  strategy for rural houses in the Hot-summer and Cold-winter climate  region considering of the building performances, as a general research  supported by National Science Fund, P. R. China

2012-2014, Research of the ecological  strategy and technology for the inhabitant environment in the  Subtropical, with collaboration ofand supported by Subtropical State Key  Laboratory in South China University of Technology

2010-2013, Research on the standard  system of evaluation and the methodology of the comprehensive assessment  for the Green Buildings

2008-2010, Rural Houses for the  Inhabitants after the “512 Earthquake”, supported by the Ministry of  Science and Technology, P. R. China



Principles of Building Technology

Principles for Sustainable Design  Strategy

Practicum in Architectural Practice


Theory and Design of Green Building

Environment Design of Architectural  Physics

International Studio

2010 ~ Joint master's MEGA project  with the architectural institute of Aarhus, Denmark, Chinese director

2007 Joint Design Studio for  Eco-School in Shenyang with University of Virginia, University of Oregon  and Tongji University.

2006 Revitalization of the Capital  Iron and Steel Company with TU Berlin


2016, Nearly Zero Energy Building of  the Gui'an Innovation Park, Silver prize in public building of The ASC  Architecture Design Award.

2016, Central Canteen of Tsinghua  University, Silver prize in public building of The ASC Architecture  Design Award.

2016, Central Canteen of Tsinghua  University, shortlist of WA City Regeneration Award.

2016, Central Canteen of Tsinghua  University, shortlist of The ARCASIA Award for Architecture.

2015, Primary School of Tumen (Deyang,Mianzhu,Sichuan  Province)excellent  works of the 1st Rural Architecture organized by the Ministry of Housing  and Urban-Rural Development, the Second Award

2015, Kindergarten of Tumen (Deyang,Mianzhu,Sichuan  Province)excellent  works of the 1st Rural Architecture organized by the Ministry of Housing  and Urban-Rural Development, the Second Award

2014, Honorable Mention Prize of WA  Design Experiment Award, the Project of Waterfowl Pavilion of Beijing  Zoo.

2012, Editor of <Green design standard  of civil buildings>  which wins the Second Prize of competition of HUAXIA science and  technology.

2010, the Second Class Award of  Provincial Level for Project of Middle School-Primary  School-Kindergarten-Clinic for Mianzhu, Sichuan

2008, the Fifth Distinguished Award  for Architecture by the Architectural Society of China

2006, the Sixth Distinguished Award  for Young Architect by the Architectural Society of China

2006, the Fourth Distinguished Award  for Architecture by the Architectural Society of China

2005, Second Prize for the Excellent  Architecture Design by the Ministry of Construction, P.R.China

2005, First Prize for the Excellent  Architecture Design by the Ministry of Education, P. R. China

2004, WA Prize, First Prize

2002, Green Housing Design  Competition, First Place

2000, Excellent Ph.D Dissertation in  Tsinghua University

1999, Green Residential Design  Competition, First Prize

1996, First Prize of Excellent  Teaching Products, Excellent Teacher Group Prize, Tsinghua University



School of Architecture, Tsinghua  University:

Deputy Director of Department of  Building Science & Technology;

Director of Institute Architecture  and Technology;

Deputy Director of Center of  Architectural Experiment and Education;


Director of the Committee of Architectural Technology,  National Steering Committee of Architectural Education
Director of the Branch of Architects, Architectural Society of China
Vice Director and Secretary-general of the branch committee of Building  Technology, Branch of Architects, Architectural Society of China
Director of the Cold Region Architecture Academic Committee of  Architectural Society of China
Secretary-General of the Group for Green Building’s Theoretical and  Practical, Committee of China Green Building
Deputy Editor for Journal Eco-city and Green Building
Vice Chief Architect of THCA Architectural Design & Consulting Institute
National First-Class Certified Architect, China


Journal papers

1.   Sun  Jingfen, Lin Zhenghao, Song Yehao, Zhu Yan, Chen Xiaojuan. Study on  Sustainable Design of THE-STUDlO in Guian District Based on BREEAM  Assessment[J]. South Architecture, 2016(3):21-26

2.   Song  Yehao, Sun Jingfen, Chen Xiaojuan, Lin Zhenghao, Han Dongchen. The  Practice of Sustainable Architecture Rooted in Local Area——A Case Study  of Tsinghua ECO Studio[J]. City and House, 2016,23(5)

3.   Song  Yehao, Southern Student Refectory at Tsinghua University-Sustainable  practice on education architecture[J]. Architecture Technique, 2016(11)

4.    Song  Yehao, Student Center in Tsinghua University[J], World Architecture,  2015(7):114-119  

5.    Song  Yehao, Sun Jingfen, Xie Dan, Chen Xiaojuan. Reflections on Sustainable  Architecture On the Design of Southern Student Refectory at Tsinghua  University [J], Architectural Journal, 2016(11)

6.    Yehao  Song, Junjie Li*, Jialiang Wang, Shimeng Hao, Ning Zhu, Zhenghao Lin.  Multi-criteria approach to passive space design in buildings: Impact of  courtyard spaces on public buildings in cold climates [J]. Building and  environment. 2015;89(07): 295-307SCI

7.    Junjie  Li, Yehao Song*, Shuai lv, Qingguo Wang. Impact evaluation of indoor  environmental performance of animate space in buildings. Building and  environment. 94 (2015) 353-370.SCI

8.    Song  Yehao,Sun Jingfen. Towards a Net Zero Energy Building  Collaboration-based Sustainable Design and Practice in the Waterfowl  Pavilion,Beijing.Time Architecture 2014,(5),P92-99.

9.    Yehao  Song, Shimeng Hao, Jialiang Wang, Ning Zhu, Junjie Li. Thermographic  Study on Thermal Performance of Rural Houses in Southwest China. 30Th  International PLEA Conference, Sustainable Habitat for Developing  Societies.2014,P79.

10.  Junjie  Li, Yehao Song*, Qingguo Wang. Experimental verification and pair-group  analysis study of passive space design strategies. 4th International  Conference on Civil, Architecture and Hydrauic Engineering (CAHE’2015),  (EI index)China. 2015, 06

11.  Yehao  Song, Junjie Li, Ning Zhu, Jialiang Wang, Zhenghao Lin. Fieldwork Test  Research of  The Impact on Building Physical Environment on Six Types of  Atrium Space in Cold Climates. Journal of Harbin Institute of  Technology. Vol.21 No.4 Aug 2014:84-90.

12.  Yehao  Song, Junjie Li, Ning Zhu, Jialiang Wang, Shimeng Hao. Research on Two  Types of Buffer Zone Impact on Surrounding Office Space Environment in  Winter in Cold Climate Zonea  Fieldwork in Architectural Design Institute Building of Tsinghua  University, Beijing. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. No.5 Aug  2014:33-39

13. Shimeng  Hao, Yehao Song, Gui Zhang, Zhenghao Lin, Ning Zhu, Jialiang Wang.  Design Strategies on Heat Recovery of Cooking Stove in Rural Houses of  China. 30Th International PLEA Conference, Sustainable Habitat for  Developing Societies.2014,P68.

14. Jianhua  Ding, Yehao Song, Tianyu Xi. Study on the Optimization for Design of  Indoor Natural Ventilation and Lighting Based on Passive Design  Measurements. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. Vol.21 No.4 Aug  2014:24-29.

15. Shimeng  Hao , Yehao Song, Junjie Li, Ning Zhu. Field Study on Indoor Thermal and  Luminous Environment in Winter of Vernacular Houses in Northern Hebei  Province of China. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. Vol.21  No.4 Aug 2014:77-83.

16. Yuan  Li, Yehao Song, Akashi Mochida, Tsubasa Okaze. WRF Environment  Assessment in Guangzhou City with an Extracted Land-use Map from the  Remote Sensing Data in 2000 as an Example. Journal of Harbin Institute  of Technology. No.5 Aug 2014:26-32

17.  Kun  Li, Jian Kang, Yehao Song, Dong Jiang. Analysis of Heat Environment  Indexes Using Integrated Remote Sensing and Site Measurement Techniques  in a Community. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. No.5 Aug  2014:1-9

18.  Song  yehao, Wang jialiang, Zhu ning. Pondering over the passive design  strategy for native green buildings of China [J]. Architectural Journal,  2013 (7): 94-99.

19. Song  yehao. A constructive critique of china's green architectural design and  research [J], New Architecture, 2013, 4:004.

20. Yehao  Song, Julian (Jialiang) Wang, Shimeng Hao, Yilin Song. The  Energy-related Impacts of Social Factors of Rural Houses in Southwest  China. 2013 ISES Solar World Congress, 2013/11/3-2013/11/7, Cancun,  2013/11/3.

21. Yehao  Song, Jingfen Sun, Junjie Li, Dan Xie. Towards Net Zero Energy Building:  Collaboration-based Sustainable Design and Practice of the Beijing  Waterfowl Pavilion. 2013 ISES Solar World Congress,2013/11/3-2013/11/7,  Cancun, 2013/11/3.

22. SONG  Yehao, LIN Borong, WU Bo. Green vs. Digital: Design Record of a Hotel in  the Kubqi Desert, Inner Mongolia[J]. Architecture Technique,2011,(Z1).

23. SONG  Yehao. Tumen Elementary School and Kindergarten[J]. Community  Design,2011,(2).

24.  SONG  Yehao. Changshu City Library[J]. Community Design,2011,(2).

25.  SONG  Yehao, SUN Jingfen. Ornament and Architecture on Adolf Krischanitz’s  Design[J]. World Architecture,2011,(7).

26. SONG  Yehao. Some Thoughts about Green Buildings’ Evaluation Standards[J].  World Environment,2011,(5).

27. YUAN  Bin,SONGYehao, LIN Borong, Zhang Hong. Sustainable architecture policy  evaluation in Australia [J]. Construction Science and  Technology,2011,(6).

28. SUN  Yimin, SONG Yehao. Thinking of the Current Development of Large Public  Buildings in China[J]. Huazhong Architecture,2011,(4).

29. LI  Yuan, SONG Yehao. Brief Introduction of Solar  Decathlon(SD)[J].Architecture Technique,2011,(Z5).


31.  JIANG  Yong, TERRECE Curry, SONG Yehao, WANG Lina. From Design to Construction:  Design/Construction Studio at Tsinghua University[J]. New  Architecture,2011,(4).

32.  SONG  Yehao, LIU Quan, PAN Hong. Counterparts Aided  Reconstruction after Wenchuan Earthquake Report:Taking Reconstruction of  Kindergarten & Primary School in Tumen Town[J]. World  Architecture,2010,(6).

33. SONG  Yehao. slow Architecture[J]. Chinese and Overseas  Architecture,2010,(11).

34.  LI  Kun, SONG Yehao.Integrate Analysis of Green Community Indices In Three  Assessment Systems [J]. World Architecture,2010,(8).

35.  LI  Kun, SONG Yehao. Building the Environmental Friendly Homes Analysis of  "Code for Sustainable Homes" in Britain[J]. Eco-city and Green  Building,2010,(1).

36. LV  Yingying, SONG Yehao, WU Bo. Test on Energy Saving of Western New City  Service Center in Tianjin[J]. Eco-city and Green Building,2010,(3).

37. Song  YeHao,Grundschule in Tumen, Changshu/VR China.Bauwelt 48,2009.

38. Song  Yehao, Deng Xiangyu, Integration of the Ethos of the Times and South  Jiangsu Culture: Review of the Design for Changshu City Library,  Architectural Journal, 2008-10-20, p77-80, CN 11-1930/TU

39. Song  Yehao, Zhang Yue, Zhu Ning, Consideration and Practice of Speedy Design  Teaching, Architectural Journal, 2008-7-20, p78-80, CN 11-1930/TU

40. Song  Yehao, Jiang Yong, Lin Borong, Zhang Xin, Yan Xiang, Explanation of  National Swimming Center the "Water Cube" from Technical Points of View,  Times Architecture, 2008-7-18, p52-61, CN 31-1359/TU

41. Song  Yehao, Lin Borong, Jiang Yong, Green versus Architecture, Times  Architecture, 2008-3-18, p6-11, CN 31-1359/TU

42. Song  Yehao, Zhang Lingyun, Interpreting Solar Energy Housing -A Brief  Introduction of the Competition Project by Thomas Herzog in Arhus,  Denmark, Urbanism & Architecture, 2008-01-05, p26-27, ISBN 90-78658-01-0

43.  Song  Yehao, Zhang Lingyun, Science Guides Architectural Creation: Brief  Review of Hannover Expo-dome by Thomas Herzog, Architectural Journal,  2007-03-20, p96-99, CN 11-1930/TU

44. Qin  Youguo, Song Yehao, Lin Borong, On Founding the Evaluation System of  Green Building in China, Real Estate Information of China, 2007-5,  p40-43, CN 11-2586/F

45.  Song  Yehao, Stadtbuecherei in Changshu, Bauwelt,2005,96(18/05)30-31

46.  Song  Yehao, The Municipal Library in Changshu City, World Architecture,  2005-01-18, 2005, 175(01):p117-122, CN 11-1847/TU

47. Song  Yehao, Thomas Herzog's integrated Planning in the Architectural Design,  World Architecture, 2004-09-18, 2004, 171(9):p69-70, CN 11-1847/TU

48. Zhang  Lingyun, Song Yehao, Architectural Technologies of Thomas Herzog,  Architectural Creation, 2004-01-20, vol.54, p41-47, CN 11-3161/TU

49.  Chang  Zhigang, Song Yehao, Ran Maoyu, What does the Surface Tissue Mean to a  Building, Architectural Journal, 2003-10-20, p43-46, CN 11-1930/TU


And more than 30 articles published in  the core magazines and conferences till 2008, some of them on worldwide  journals, for example: “Holistic Design Thinking in Sustainable  Architecture Design”, “Municipal Library in Changshu” (Architectural  World Germany/StadtBauwelt) etc.

Selected conference proceedings

1.   Song  Yehao, An energy-efficient prefabricated double-skin façade oriented to  multi-system integration(2016). 11th Conference on Advanced Building  Skins, 10-11 October 2016, Bern, Switzerland: Advanced Building Skins  GmbH

2.    Song  Yehao, Optimization of Skin Oriented to  Multi-system Integration in Design and Construction Phases by BIM  Technologies(2016). 11th Conference on Advanced Building Skins, 10-11  October 2016, Bern, Switzerland: Advanced Building Skins GmbH

3.   Song  Yehao, Towards Net Zero Energy Building: Collaboration-based Sustainable  Design and Practice of the Beijing Waterfowl Pavilion. The ISES Solar  World Congress 2013.

4.    Song  Yehao, WANG Jialiang, A Comparative Investigation on Sustainable  Strategies of Vernacular Buildings and Modern Buildings in Southwest  China, PLEA, 2012, Lima, Peru.

5.   Song  Yehao, Condition vs. Creation: An Educational Sample on Sustainable  Architectural Design Studio integrating Design with Construction in  Grade 3, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Proceeding of 2007  International Conference on Architectural Education, 2007-9-17, p423-425

6.  Song  Yehao, Reflection on the Modernity and Neo-vernacular Architecture in  the Yangtze River Delta in China, International Forum on Urbanism 2006  in Beijing, 2006-10-20, p475-478, ISBN 978-7-112-09522-3

7.   Song  Yehao, A holistic design method for the environment-conscious design,  Nanjing International Forum on Architectural Education, 2003-12-12, p128


1.   Song  Yehao. (2000). Design with Nature: Ecological architectural design  research. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press.

2.   Song  Yehao. 2001, Architecture and the Environment

3.  Song  Yehao, Huo Xiaowei, Hu Lin. (2005). The master architect series: Philip  Cox. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press.

4.  Song  Yehao, Zhou Yupeng.(2003). Sustainable Architecture. Beijing: China  Architecture & Building Press.

5.   Hou  Zhenghua, Song Yehao, (2001). The master architect series: T.R Hamzah &  Yeang. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press.

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